Truth? (part 1)

Lioness-HuntingAs I stated earlier, there is no good nor evil, only truth. I arrived at this notion by contemplating this question:

Is attacking and killing evil?

To a lioness, it is not. To a crime victim, it is. To a victim defending himself, it is not. The act alone does not seem to determine the virtue. The virtue seems to be defined by something beyond the act. We label the act after it is committed. This leads to my next question:

Is there absolute good or evil?

I think we would all agree that killing an innocent person in cold blood is evil. Therefore maybe virtue is determined by majority consensus? By this logic, the killing committed by a larger army is good, and that committed by the minority force is evil. The larger army has the consensus. But this cannot be right. Military numbers alone do not determine moral quality. Consensus and opinion alone do not seem to determine virtue. Still, deep down, there does seem to be an ultimate truth. This leads to my aforementioned conclusion:

There is no good nor evil, only truth.

And this logically leads to my next question:

What is truth?

To be continued…

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